Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Discover - story trail

Let Hootah lead you through a world of stories in one of most creative children's centres I have ever seen. Outdoors an playground of themed climbing frames were put to waste by the miserable weather, however indoors the fun really started.

The permanent facility includes various zones each with things to do; D and B set to work acting out the adventures of various dinosaurs across a crocodile infested river and a lions den; elsewhere children can turn a wooden spoon into a spoon puppet (despite my best efforts I did this on my own); draw on mirrors with mirror pens, act out stories in a puppet theatre.

Downstairs a temporary exhibition (City of Stories) contained various zoned rooms each with a recording of a story; D & B continued the adventures of their sparasauruses in a middle eastern tent.

As part of their eastern European week we listened to a telling of the Dragon of Krakow (B aged 2 1/2 didn't find this engaging and played elsewhere although he usually enjoys stories but D aged 4 listened intently); this was followed by a make your own dragon puppet but the lure of the rest of the centre was too much for my two.

Children as young as mine will find much of the story element little more than a slight distraction but I would imagine older kids would find this very exciting.

Discover - story trail
Where: Near Stratford tube station
Cost: Child/Adult £4; children under 2 are free; family ticket up to four people £15
Permanent with activities and temporary exhibitions
Going again: Yes; probably to other events
Try: Many play facilities exist but I have not found anything this creative or engaging.
Top tip: Take lunch, 20p for a locker and a lot of energy to get the best out of this place