Fun? The opening exhibit was essentially a large number of very large balloons; easily big enough for the kids to sit on jump on, etc. BANG! only once "how many is that?"

Atmospheric? the smaller of the ROH's main performance spaces was converted into a forest made with old telegraph poles; a floor of recycled rubber from tiers (I think) provided a convincing forest floor and a background of John Cage or Javanese Gamalan provided the soundtrack. Wildlife? 1000 paper cranes were suspended in a large rectangle making a screen with a film projected on it.
And educational? An exhibition of an archaeological dig which took place in Germany uncovering a house made almost entirely of sweets and gingerbread. A truly exceptional piece of work revolutionising, for ever, the way we will look at Hansel and Gretel.

If you tell a joke in the forest and no-one is there to laugh; is it still a joke?
What: Deloitte Ignite 2010
Where: Royal Opera House
Getting there: The opera house is in Covent Garden and only a short walk from Covent Garden tube station
Cost: Free for most activities
Again: Yes; if it is half as good as this year we are still in for a treat