Monday, 4 February 2008

Art Trolley - Tate Britain

The art trolley at Tate Britain provides art material which can be taken into the gallery for children to do their own work based on, or inspired by, what they see. The trolley contains material for drawing and collage along with short introductions to some of the works in the galleries.

So glue, scissors, paper, pipe cleaners, straws and two children in hand we set out to find "Dark landscape" by John Craxton. After talking to D about the picture and what was in it he set to work cutting, gluing and instructing me and friend where to put things. It has to be said that this was by far the most complex picture he has ever produced; how much this was due to discussing Dark landscape and how much this was because we could discuss what he was doing and how he was doing it is, obviously, impossible to say.

B(2) stuck one piece of paper to another piece of paper and tried to eat both pipe cleaners and scissors.

What: Art Trolley
Where: Tate Britain
Cost: Free - suggested donation of £3
When: Saturday's and Sunday's every week
Going again: Yes
Similar: Many art galleries

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