Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Shell Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Since moving to London the Natural History Museum has been a regular fixture in days out. It is the ultimate temple of D's (3) major obsession (Dinosaurs) and the venue of one of my favourite proud parent stories:

D, standing in the prehistoric swimming reptiles section spots a curator holding a dolphin skull. She crouches down and shows the skull to him, "do you know what this is?" she enquires; "um... I think its an Opthalmosaurus skull" he retorts.

This trip was to see the Shell Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition. This was aimed directly at adults, the only real attempt to engage children was a scratch-off-the-answers question sheet asking questions about both nature and photography; also all photos were presented at an adult's height requiring any child to be lifted to get a good view. Fortunately I was in a group of four adults to two children so this was not a real problem.

However, with effort to engage D (the love of my life looked after B) he got a lot out of it; even if he did think that a magnificent shot of a crocodile hiding in the water was a dinosucus.

What: Shell Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Where: Natural History Museum; map
Cost: Adult £7, Concessions £3.50, under 3 free, family ticket £18
When: Until 27th April
Going next year: probably
  • Animals
    • London Zoo
    • London Aquarium
    • Horniman Museum
  • Photography
    • to be added...

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