Tuesday, 19 February 2008

The Power Within - Natural History Museum

The Natural History Museum's Red Zone deals with all things geographical with many exhibitions on the subject. Enter the museum from the side entrance on Exhibition road rather than the main entrance. An escalator will then take you up through a model of the planet to the top floor of the building.

Volcanoes and earthquakes are capable of inspiring most little boys and D (3 years old) is certainly no exception. While most of the exhibits were too advanced he found plenty that did interest him; including videos of volcanic eruptions and volcanic rocks that locked like hard mud.

Else where we looked at, but didn't go on the earthquake simulator; B (2 years old) "Why is the floor moving?" and talked about pictures of houses that earthquakes had pulled down.

Although they enjoyed the beginning, the exhibition was too large for children as young as mine and by the end the staircase down to the Dinosaurs was a welcome relief.

What: The Power Within
Where: Natural History Museum; map
Cost: Free - with a suggested donation
When: Permanent
Going again: Yes, but when they are older
Similar: Nothing comes to mind

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