Despite TfL's best efforts to stop us we made our way into London for the Thames festival starting at Tower Bridge and working our way through the streets south of the river to the Tate in time for the
fire garden.
Along the we found such wonders as walking on the Thames side (buggies get muddy and find old discarded stuff), watching
Tower Bridge opening (its very clever), The Golden Hind (subject of a future post...) and The Dukes Box (unexplainable; I try below).
The walk started with various stalls from many conservation, history and wildlife groups in London. Much of this interests all three buggies so a fairly good start, it also gave a good view of Tower Bridge as it managed a fairy rare mid day opening.
The Dukes Box; a car trailor containing a folky country band playing strange cover versions of popular tracks and allowing people to select the next track using a typewriter (I told you it was unexplainable) provided a good diversion from walking for a while and was the best of the day (as opposed to evening)
Further down the way we found various eateries, shows, craft stalls, etc. An opportunity to walk along the Thames by the water searching for old clay pipes and other discarded objects. And finally to the Tate in time for the Fire Garden.
I saw this in Manchester when Buggy-D was very small and was awestruck. Essentially it is artistic pyromania provided by French street artists
Compagnie Carabosse. The setting outside the Tate lacked the hidden garden magic of the Manchester show but was still amazing. Buggy-L flaked at this point but both other buggies wandered entranced.
On the whole the day was rather heavy on craft stalls and eateries and perhaps a little lacking in the pockets of magic that old London could have provided. Also many of the events lacked the river theme I was hoping for. Perhaps my lack of preparation didn't help; I only walked half the length of it and don't know what wonders were to be found further on.
What: Thames festivalWhere: South bank from Tower Bridge to the South Bank Centre and possibly beyond
Cost: Free
Again: Next year perhaps; but with a little more preparation!
Try: Many summer festivals