Entering the ship we joined three hapless pirates; Stinky Pete, Malicious Mick and the otherwise nameless "Captain". Through various activities including storytelling round the captains table, a tour of the ship and a treasure hunt we learned of the death of Blackbeard, the cure for scurvy (as provided by the ship's barber-surgeon, how to fire a cannon, raise an anchor and, in buggy-B's case smear our mouth with pieces of chocolate. I never knew just how much wee and poo were required in the upkeep and firing of a cannon!
This was a first class day out for the buggies; highly recommended.
What: The Golden Hinde
Where: Southwark
Getting there: Short walk from London Bridge tube
Cost: £6 adult; £4.50 concession; prices change depending on activities
Again: Definitely! The group also do various other activities
Try: Museum in the Docklands
Top tip: Careful when walking around, unless you are less than 4ft tall.
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